Thursday, 26 December 2013

Mince Pie Popcorn

The best thing about Christmas for me is over indulging in all the sweet treats I can possibly handle. 

Thanks to Kirsty Allsop, I decided to add mince pie popcorn to my list this year. 

It was super simple to make, just pop your corn, a couple of dollops of mince meat. Mix it up with your hands so all the popcorn gets covered. 

Then you put it in a tray in a 200 degree oven for about 10 minutes to dry it out and crisp up. That's it. 

So easy to make and even better to share. Enjoy. 

Monday, 9 December 2013

Mexican Night!

Arriba, Saturday night , we were in Mexico! Well not quite, but it was Mexican themed. There were Margaritas, Chilli and Tequila Sunrises.

We periodically go over to our friends house for night of drinking, they have kiddies, we don't it's an easy way to get together. We don't usually theme the evenings but for some reason this time we did, and it was great fun. We even cracked out the playing cards for a drinking game which took us into the early hours. Easy rules thankfully, everyone get a card, lowest card takes a glug from the designated cocktail in the middle. The end of the game was reached when we ran out of booze.

Just wish I'd taken more pictures, Adam took a few videos of the cocktail glug reactions, which I personally feel should never see the light of a public forum. So they will be for personal consumption only.

Needless to say Sunday was spent nursing hangovers in front of the T.V.

Do you ever do theme night's with friends, any suggestions for our next one?

Friday, 6 December 2013

Easy Yoghurt Cake

I wanted cake, so I made one. A yoghurt cake. I've never made one before so this was a little bit of an experiment. A French friend of mine used to make this cake when we worked together, she always said it was really easy so I thought I would give it a go. Turns out it is. 

You use 1 normal sized yoghurt, I used a Ski smooth in strawberry. I think you are meant to use Greek yoghurt, but I didn't have any, so I improvised. You then use this same pot to measure out some of the other ingredients. 3x plain flour, 2x sugar and 1x oil. 1tbsp baking powder, 1tsp vanilla essence, 10ml milk and 3x eggs. You can also add in a handful of nuts or whatever else if you want, I used some leftover almond flakes. That's it, mix it in a bowl, and bake in a tin at about 170 for 40 mins. Easy. 

You end up with a super quick, moist cake, with hardly any washing up. What more could you want? Give it a go. 

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

December Fitness Goals

Quick recap on my November goals:
  • One session of yoga a week
  • 2 - 3 runs a week, pushing my distance/speed on one of the runs
  • At least one other random workout per week, magazine, TRX or lucky dip challenge
I managed to do 2 yoga sessions a week, and my 2 PT sessions that was it. November was pretty much a write off when it came to exercise. There was nothing wrong with me, apart from a complete lack of motivation. So the only exercise I managed to do was the sessions I was paying for. That really says something doesn't it. I only have a valid excuse for a couple of days when we didn't have a bath, shower, or sink in the bathroom because of a re-vamp. The prospect of washing with a bucket of water after a sweat fest didn't really appeal.

So goals are going to be a the same as for November, got a feeling I might struggle past the 20th seeing as I won't have much time in between stuffing my face with festive treats. I do have a reason to stick to my goals up to then though as I have entered myself in to a 5 mile Christmas Pudding Dash on the 21st December.... Only 2 and half weeks to go and I don't think I've ever run more than 5k so it really will be a challenge. Wish me luck.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Planning for the Future

I'm not sure I have ever really planned for the future, just things I would like to do/achieve at some point in my life, buy a house, get married, get fit, start a family, you know the usual. It just seems that lately these things have to be added to a timeline, and given a slightly more specific deadline. Is that just part of getting older? Or is it just my current circumstances that are demanding a little more commitment that my usual meh if it happens it happens attitude.

I think it started when we fixed a date for the wedding, financial decisions have to be made to ensure we can cover everything, upto and after. This really hit home recently when I was offered a new job, when the offer was first made I was in no doubt I was ready for a new challenge, something different let's do it. This offer is only for a temporary position though, it would take us up to the wedding and then finish. Which in theory would be brilliant, but in actual fact what if I couldn't find another job after, that would really mess up our future plans. At which point I realised we had mapped out quite a chunk of our future already, scary!

Wedding - Honeymoon - Baby (Maternity) - Move to London (6 months) - Buy House

BIG financial commitments, the specific dates aren't set but I think we will have reached the end of the timeline in 2 -3 years, so can I really afford to take the risk at this time. Unfortunately I think the answer is no, so I guess I will have to stick it out in current job for a little while longer, unless my numbers come up on the lottery of course.  

Do you have a timeline for your future plans, am I the only one who finds it a little scary?

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Wot Up Blood?

Yesterday I did a good deed, I gave blood. 
This is only the second time I've ever given blood, the first time was in February of this year, but it is definitely something I'd like to continue doing. They do ask you some very odd questions in the form you have to fill out though. Well not odd as such, just things I'm not sure you would admit to even if they were true. For example, have you been given money or drugs for sex? or have you had sex sex with a man who has ever had oral or anal sex with another man, with or without a condom? I can happily and honestly answer no to both, but I'd be interested to know if anyone answers yes. 

They gave me a little keyring this time with my blood type on, which was nice. I'm quite pleased with my blood type, I know that sounds odd but to me it serves as a little mantra as well as a blood type ''B Positve''. Nice little reminder everytime I get my donation letter through.

Do you give blood? You should if you can, I think it's a great thing to do, doesn't cost you anything apart from time, and in exchange you get snacks (crisps and biscuits), drinks and the warm fuzzies that you may be helping to save a life. It doesn't hurt, promise. Although I did yelp a little when they ripped of the tape holding the needle steady, but I can take it, I is 'ard init.

If you fancy giving it a go have a look at it will tell you what to do.

Monday, 25 November 2013

Collecting ''THE'' Dress

So Saturday I got up quite early, was picked up by my Ma and Pa and driven the hour it takes to get to the Wedding Dress shop that I used in Uckfield. I know that's quite a trek but it was the closest shop that had the dress I had fallen in love with online. (I didn't end up with that particular dress in the end as when I put it on it looked hideous, made me look really square like I was made out of duplo!)

I had received the call in the week that my dress was ready for collection. It's really real now, I think that was the moment when I realised this was really happening. When you book venues, caterers, photographers etc you don't really get something weddingy to hold that's yours, it's just a date in the calender. An amazing bejewelled princess dress, for the most extravagant day of my life is. I can touch it, try it on swoop around in it, but not too much, I don't want to ruin it before the big day. It is still yet to be altered to my particular specifications, and will have to live with my parents, but I can go visit anytime I want.

Obviously I'm not going to put a picture up, I want to save the big reveal for the day, but I was just wondering am I the only one who felt like this. Are you married/getting married, when did it seem really real to you?

I can really picture myself wearing it afterwards as well, on those nights when I get an evening in by myself in front of the T.V. big fancy dress on twirling around the living room....just me?

Friday, 22 November 2013

Sending Save The Dates

So I finally got around to sorting out my save the date cards. Designed them up at work (don't tell), and eventually got them printed  up after much faff with a temperamental printer. The are roughly the same size and layout of a postcard to save on envelopes. I'm quite pleased with how they came out it's just a shame my handwriting isn't very fancy... 

We can hand deliver most of them which is handy, but the ones I do have to post are proving tricky, I don't actually have a valid address book, and even if I did most things are done via Facebook, text and email. When was the last time you posted something to a friend, or even a relative? I don't even send out Christmas/Birthday cards anymore, if they are family friends my Mum still puts my name on their cards, how bad is that. 

Thing is I love getting post, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. Maybe once I have gatherd up all the addresses for the save the dates I will make more of an effort, at least with a Christmas card maybe even the odd note to a select few. Can't expect to get any letters if I don't send any right? 

How do you feel about post, do you still write letters, or have a pen pal? 

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Naughty Kitty

''She is going to have to go!'' This is what woke me up the third or fourth time this morning. I know he doesn't mean it he's just tired and grumpy. How could we be parted from Molly moo and those big blue eyes?
But I could totally understand where he was coming from this morning. Unfortunately Molly is quite vocal and thinks it's a good idea to wake us up at around 3:30am meowing and scratching at the bedroom door begging to come in for a cuddle. OK so that sound quite cute until it happens everyday, if we do let her in the purring is so loud it keeps us awake, and then when she is bored she jumps over us and scratches at the bed. Which I can confirm does not end with a happy boyfriend, especially when he has to get up at 5:00am anyway.

So what to do, any cat owners out there have any suggestions on how to stop this nonsense? I love my fluff ball Molly moo bags, but this really is getting ridiculous.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Woodland Knits

After seeing a few of Tiny Owl Knits patterns on a friends blog I had to know more. I found the book of patterns on Amazon and now it is mine. All of the patterns are so cute, and most use chunky wool so will probably knit up quite quickly. I'm so excited to get started, can't decide if I want to start with the Woodland Hoodlet or Mr Fox Stole My Heart though, what do you think?


Sunday, 10 November 2013

Hastings Museum

 Today we decided to visit our local museum. I've lived in this town my whole life and I don't ever remember going, I'm sure I did when I was small but I just don't remember. It's such a cute building and as entry is free it's nice to go visit when you are at a loose end I just haven't done until now.

Most of the exhibitions cover our local history as you would expect, mods and rockers, local landmarks, 1066 and all that jazz. 

But for me the most spectacular part of the museum is when you stumble upon the Thomas Brassy exhibition, a large room two floors high full of the most beautiful carvings, the walls doors and ceilings were all completely covered in these beautiful carvings. I could have spent hours just looking at all the intricate details. Definitely worth a second visit at some point.

Most of my pictures didn't come out that great as it's quite dark, so this is just a taster. I believe you can also get married in this room which would be a beautiful setting for your special day.

There are so many other little things to look at as you go around this compact little museum. We only stayed for around half an hour but I could imagine whiling away hours if the mood took you.

Do you have a local museum, have you been? 

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Rainy Day = Cake

The weather today was grim. Heavy rain, hail, thunder and lightning, so we ventured out in the morning to get some breakfast and do some shopping at the fishmongers and butchers (hark at us). Then it just got too much so we decided to be shut in's for the afternoon, indulged in a tasty bacon sandwich made with butcher meat, then I got down to some cake baking. 

Go to sponge cake recipe, courtesy of Rachel Allen "it's so fluffy" mmm, strawberry jam and whipped cream. Think I put too much cream in though, because it all squidged out when I tried to cut it, oh well didn't stop it being scrummy.

Monday, 4 November 2013

November Fitness Goals

Ok so first off I should probably do a quick round up of how I got on last month.

October Goals:

  • To do at least 3 runs a week
  • One session of yoga a week
  • One/two body weight sessions per week
Well I started with the best of intentions as always, I was pumped and raring to go the first couple of weeks, I managed everything plus an Insanity workout each day, intense but I was on a roll. Then I started to flag, the runs dropped of and by the end of week 3 I had completely lost focus, I was still going to my yoga class but that was it apart from the Zombie Run. Thankfully I still think I managed to shift a few pounds so all was not lost.

I have decided to scrap Insanity again it is just not my thing 2 - 3 weeks seems to be my limit then I get bored, so the thought of doing it for 2 months, 6 days a week really does not inspire. I will get back into the swing of running seeing as I have now committed to the half marathon eek!

Which brings me to....

November Goals:

  • One session of yoga a week
  • 2 - 3 runs a week, pushing my distance/speed on one of the runs
  • At least one other random workout per week, magazine, TRX or lucky dip challenge*
So lets see how I go.

*Lucky dip challenge is something that has just come to me in a flash of inspiration, I will write down a number of challenges i.e 100 push ups, 10 handstands etc to be completed during that particular day. I will put them all in a box/bag and pick one whenever I feel the need. What do you think? Good idea, bad idea?

Ippo the Zonkey

How cute is Ippo the Zonkey, love child of Martin the Zebra and Giada the Donkey, lives in Florence.

Picture of Ippo the Zonkey from Yahoo news.

Monday, 28 October 2013

Zombie Weekend

Not really for Halloween, just incidental but this weekend has been a bit of a zombie fest for Adam and me.
Saturday we had a Walking Dead Season 4 catch up, soo good love Walking Dead. Then we watched World War Z, I'm in the process of reading the book but it's taking a while because I'm a wuss and can't handle reading it at bedtime. I know the movie had mixed reviews but we both thought it was great.

Then on Sunday we did the Zombie Evacuation run with my bezzie mate Sarah. It's a 5k obstacle run with a few zombies thrown in the mix, but due to the bad weather I think some of the obstacles had to be adapted. (I left me phone at home so Sarah took the pictures, hence why she is in the middle.)

Luckily you can't see in the picture but I had to write my bib number on my forehead with a sharpie, thankfully it didn't take too much scrubbing to come off.

We were given these belts with 3 velcro tags on, they represented our lives, bit like in a video game I guess, if all 3 were taken by the zombies we were classed as "Infected", which happened to us all, I was the last of us to lose all 3, right near the end as well, typical.

Because of all the rain over the past couple of days the course was pretty much just mud, and we were in the last group so it really was quite churned up, but on the plus side the rain held off until we finished, and a lot of the zombies were quite weary by that point. They still did a great job, I think I am right in saying that they were all volunteers too. All were superbly made up, there was a ballerina, police, and a clown to name a few, some were fast and would chase you, others were slow and moany. One in particular made me scream, she was dressed as a police woman and hiding in a ditch, so as I jumped over the ditch she jumped out, freaked me right out and many others behind me.

At the finish we all got a dog tag and a t-shirt, it was great fun and we were discussing maybe volunteering to be zombies next year.

If you fancy having a go next year these are the guys we used Zombie Evacuation I'm pretty sure there are a few others around, so give it a go, great fun and a bit of exercise too.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Cheer Up

A friend of mine has been quite poorly this year, but she is finally on her last treatment, so I thought I would send her something to keep her spirits up during. So I drew her a picture of me being a cheerleader, to cheer her up/on. (Bit of poetic licence with the lack of muffin top and bingo wings) But it made her laugh so job done.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Flowers for me?

I went to visit a poorly friend the other day, and she bought me flowers. Shouldn't that be the other way around. Oh well despite my awful flower arranging skills they are beautiful. 

Monday, 21 October 2013

Hastings Half

Right well I did it.

I thought since I had written my big list of things I wanted to do I should make a start, so I signed up for the Hastings Half Marathon in March 2014!! Scary stuff. I'm not going to expect a great time just to complete it, I think that's all I should aim for really. Seeing as I have never run more than 5k before this really will be a challenge.

So I need to pull up my big girl pants, and tap my personal trainer for some half marathon training tips.

Have you ever done a half marathon? Any advice?

Monday, 14 October 2013

I Want....

Recently I have been getting a bit agitated, maybe it's the changing of the seasons, but there have been a lot of things floating around in my head. Stuff I want to do, projects I want to start or finish, goals I want to achieve and things I want to learn or do more of. But because they are just floating around in my head I don't actually seem to do any of them.

So I though I would just write everything down, like a brain dump, just as quickly as I could think of them, in any order, and the above is what happened. (I attempted to put in punctuation afterwards, so it made a bit more sense, but it was still mostly nonsense.) So now I will try and break it all down, make some lists, and make a plan of action to get some stuff done. I am hoping that by doing this I can bring a little more peace to my muddled little brain, and actually start doing the things I want to do, and get to where I want to be.

Do you ever do things like this? Or is it just me....

Wednesday, 9 October 2013


Need I say more? I bought this a while ago and on my first attempt I managed about 2 weeks before calling it quits. This time I am determined to keep it going for a bit longer, hopefully the full 60 days, but I know what I'm like so I'll just have to see how I go.

I started it yesterday, and crapbags I had forgotten how tough it actually is, but I'm going for the slow and steady approach, so long as I don't try and keep up with the guy's on the DVD I can keep going a little bit longer and that's better than having more rest breaks, right?

I am also trying to fit it in around my other fitness gaols for this month, i.e.running and yoga so wish me luck. I'm thinking I might have to adapt my schedule slightly at some point or I might not get a rest day, but I will see how this week pans out first and how I feel at the end of it.

Have you tried Insanity, did you finish?

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Lazy Sunday

I love a lazy Sunday don't you, especially after a hectic Saturday. I had to get my car sorted, fit new doors to my kitchen cupboards, all on an empty stomach! We were meant to be getting a new fridge so didn't really have any food in, and I had to drill new holes for all the doors which made for a lot of shouting, whoops. Luckily we were going round to a friends for dinner so at least that was fun.  

But today has involved a lot of sitting, pulled pork in the slow cooker, so minimal energy has been required all day.

Did some more of a scarf I started the other day.

Made a start on my fellas jumper, as the wool arrived yesterday and I couldn't wait.
All whilst getting our geek on with a Marvel film fest, so far we've done Thor, Captain America, The Avengers, X-Men First Class and now Wolverine Origins.

And of course hanging out with this little cutie.

What do you get up to on your Sundays?

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Purple Van Man

Last night we went to our local theatre to see Sean Lock, as part of his Purple Van Man tour. Oh my he is sooo funny, well we thought so anyway. It was just him on stage no props, unless you count the bottle of water, ranting on about pet hates, with just the right amount of nonsense thrown in. Like with most comedy shows I have seen as soon as I walk out I can't remember any of the jokes, but I know I was laughing, a lot. 

OK I can remember some of it, but I wouldn't want to spoil it for you, I can say that the encore was a stroke of genius, I think I even had a happy tear I laughed so hard.

Obviously comedy is very subjective, but if you are a fan of Sean I would recommend this show.

Do you have any comedy recommendations?

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

October Fitness Goals

Right here we go, it's October already, time to knuckle down. I am running a Zombie Evacuation obstacle run at the end of the month, as part of a team with 3 others. It's only 5k but it involves running away from Zombies and tackling a number of obstacles. Which means I need to improve my running/fitness and fast, I don't want to let my team down do I.

I am not great at sticking to goals but hopefully if I just plan for October, it will help me stay focused.

So here they are my fitness goals for October. 
  • To do at least 3 runs a week
  • One session of yoga a week
  • One/two body weight sessions per week

I'll let you know how I got on at the end of the month.

Have you got any fitness goals for October?

Monday, 30 September 2013

Save the Date

I can't believe September is over, where did it go?

September was the month I was supposed to send out save the date notes, but it just didn't happen! 
We gave notice of our marriage today though, so the countdown officially begins. Less than a year until M day. The big stuff is done, venue, food, registrar, photographer and dress, so now it's just the fiddly details. 

We keep changing our minds, with regards to save the date notes. Should we just call or send e-mails. Or is that too impersonal. Should we send cards, but then what style. Like a greetings card or just a postcard. So much to think about and they should have been done already!
nala save the date balloon by White Knot
Save the date Rubber Stamp with Border by English Stamp

All above save the date options available from Not on the High Street

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