Recently I have been getting a bit agitated, maybe it's the changing of the seasons, but there have been a lot of things floating around in my head. Stuff I want to do, projects I want to start or finish, goals I want to achieve and things I want to learn or do more of. But because they are just floating around in my head I don't actually seem to do any of them.
So I though I would just write everything down, like a brain dump, just as quickly as I could think of them, in any order, and the above is what happened. (I attempted to put in punctuation afterwards, so it made a bit more sense, but it was still mostly nonsense.) So now I will try and break it all down, make some lists, and make a plan of action to get some stuff done. I am hoping that by doing this I can bring a little more peace to my muddled little brain, and actually start doing the things I want to do, and get to where I want to be.
Do you ever do things like this? Or is it just me....
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