So as I've mentioned before I'm taking the plunge and making it myself. I've done the cake decorating classes got all the kit, and now to pick a recipe.
We are both lovers of the traditional fruit cake so it makes sense to stick with that, it also means I can make it weeks in advance as they just get better with time. Preventing last minute cake related stress, see perfect. So far we have done dummy runs with The Fabulous Baker Boys and Nigella.
I think this was the Baker Boys recipe, and maybe Nigella's didn't last long enough for a picture. But ultimately Nigella won out, if only because she gives the quantities to cover 3 different sized cakes. Anything that makes the process as simple as possible is a winner for me. It was also a more suitable cake than the Baker Boys. As lovely as their cake was it was too cakey for us, what we were really after was a heavy, fruit laden, brandy soaked cake, which is what Nigella delivered.
So there we are, now I just have to find the time to bake the 3 different sizes (not eat them) and feed with bandy until it's time to decorate.
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