Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Food Diary Despair

This is getting desperate, wedding just over 6 months away and I am finding it nigh on impossible to shift these unwanted lbs. For the past month or so I have been exercising for about 1 hour 5 days a week, either running, yoga or a workout with my personal trainer, and nothing is happening. To say I'm disheartened is an understatement!!

So after a particularly gruelling session with my personal trainer and only 1 lb shifted, since last months weigh in, she suggested I keep a food diary. I'm not very good at this sort of thing, I have tried in the past and always manage to miss off snacks, meals, then whole days. So I am really going to have to make the effort to make this work this time. 

I don't think I've been eating terribly, well not during the week anyway. There has been the odd relapse of a weekend but you can't live like a saint all the time right?? Well maybe that's where I've been going wrong, I just don't want everything I do to be affected by what I can or cannot eat. I also don't want to sacrifice even more of my free time to exercise. I admire those who enjoy, and look forward to their hours of exercise each week, but apart from yoga, I am not one of them.

 But one step at a time, I shall keep my evil all seeing food diary for one week, then next Tuesday, it will be picked to pieces by my personal trainer. Who will then make suggestions, and hopefully guide me to that ever distant light at the end of the tunnel.


  1. Don't be too hard on yourself, Chloe. As long as you're looking after yourself, your wedding photos will be beautiful :)


    1. I'm working on it :) Thank you for your kind words Lela x
