Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Running to Work

I have decided that seeing as I have already signed up for the half marathon I need to get a few more runs in. Unfortunately I wasn't finding it all that easy, so I have decided to run to and from work a few days a week. So far I have only done it twice, but so far so good, I just have to make sure I leave all my stuff at work the day before, oh and baby wipes.

As you can see from todays run to work I am really not that quick, which is fine I'm ok with that, plenty of time for improvement during the rest of my life. I am just starting to really freak out about the half marathon. I really think I have made a bit of a mistake signing up, as I am sooo not ready. I have less than 2 months left ahhhh.

Think I am going to have to just try my best, run as much as I possibly can so I can get a time, any time. Then put all my efforts into smashing that awful time next time around.

Have you ever got a bit ahead of yourself with what you think you can achieve.   

Monday, 27 January 2014

Sugar Roses

I don't know if I've mentioned but I am planning to make my own wedding cake. They just seem so expensive and putting the word wedding in front of anything seems to bump up the price ten fold, so I though I would give it a bash. 

We had decided on a traditional fruit cake as this is on of our favourites, it can also be baked months in advance so that would take some of the pressure off. But I still wanted it to look a bit fancy so on Saturday I attended a cake decorating class with my mum and aunt to learn how to make sugar roses.

We started with a tear drop of icing and just started adding petals.

They shape up quite quick,

It can be fiddly and you have to remember to do things in the right order,

I was super pleased with how they came out, a little direction goes a long way.

Also had a quick bash at buttercream roses, they are crazy easy when you know how and have the right tools.

What do you think? Not bad for a first attempt.

We took the class at Dee's Creative Cakes she does do scheduled classed, but you can also book in for a private class if there is something specific you want to do, like we did.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Yoga Detox Day

Saturday I attended my first full day of yoga. It was a specific Detox Yoga Day run by my usual yoga teacher. It was run in a local village hall, which was not a bad venue as it goes, nice and warm with under floor heating and these lovely big windows.

I must admit I was a bit apprehensive, as the day was due to run from 10am to 5pm, which seems like a lot of yoga considering my normal class is only an hour. But once we got into the swing of things it was surprising how quickly the time ticked away. There was a good couple of hours of poses in the morning and afternoon with meditation at the start and end of each session. 

I couldn't tell you exactly what we did but there were a lot of twists and poses which target the kidneys and liver. The afternoon meditation was amazing, I don't think anyone managed to stay completely awake for the full session, it was so relaxing.
We were also given 90 mins for lunch which was also provided, a bright yellow homemade ghee with a tasty salad, and sugar free poached pears and yoghurt for after which was flavoured with grape juice and star anise, yum. She even gave us the recipe for the ghee, it was very tasty but due to it being a detox day was vegetarian, so if I was to give it a go at home I would probably serve it with some lamb.

Afterwards I was left feeling calm and relaxed but not sleepy, my body did ache a little on Sunday but it was  so worth it. I would definitely attend another one of these days.

Have you ever been to a yoga day retreat? 

Monday, 13 January 2014

Treat Day!

This is me and my man getting a little over excited about our treat day milkshakes.

Part of a pact we have made for 2014 to help get us into shape is to cut out the take aways and to treat ourselves to 1 treat day a week. Thankfully this weeks treat day fell on my besties birthday, so we headed out to the local American Diner, The Pelican for dinner. It's a lovely little restaurant filled with retro furniture, and American themed food, (They do the best breakfast pancakes). We both went for the deluxe burgers made with homemade patties, cheese and bacon. Accompanied with the above milkshakes and a side of rosemary fries, which are amazing. One of our group even wanted another bowl for afters they are that good.

After we had all had our fill, we headed off to the FILO pub (First in Last Out) for birthday drinks and festivities.

So far we are doing very well with our, 1 treat day and look forward all week to the feasts we plan for the Saturday, I know its only been a week but hopefully the promise of super tasty, naughty food at the end of the week will help us suffer through the healthy, vegtastic week days. Not that the healthy food is horrible, just that we both have a fairly sweet tooth and are quite week willed when it comes to a junk food binge.

I did however fail miserably on one of my other goals for this year, to take more pictures. I took our little camera out with us, and left it in my bag the whole night. Even the above was sent to me by a friend. So I really must try harder with this one and get over my hang ups of whipping out my camera in public. 

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Mr. Fox Stole my heart

Check out this little cutie, I knitted him up over my Christmas break using a pattern from Tiny Owl Knits Woodland Knits.

I think I am in love. He is so soft, and such a joy to knit, quite quick too because it's chunky wool on big needles. I had to improvise a bit with the ears because I didn't have size 7 double points, but I am so happy with how he came out. Still might put a little hook on his chin so I can sucure him a bit easier. I also need to keep him away from Molly, (cat) she thought he was a new playmate and started playing rough. Thankfully Adam saved him before she took and eye out.

I can't wait to do a few more patterns from this book they are all so cute. I have promised to finish the jumper I am knitting my fella first though so it may be a while. I've only just started the second side and I still have the sleves to do...
I've made the pictures small because they are not great quality, thinking I should start using my fancy pants camera a bit more instead of relying on my phone. It's just me being lazy so I really must try harder, maybe another goal for 2014?

What do you think of my fox?

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

2014 Already?

I can't believe we are1 week into 2014 already! Time is just whizzing by.

I've got my new diary, and as always I am going to attempt to be more organised this year. I always have the best of intentions. I don't tend to make resolutions just little deals with myself and targets. This year I am more determined than ever when it come to fitness goals. I do not want to be a fat bride, and I am getting married this year!!

Last year I gave up smoking, I stopped in February and haven't touched one since, which is pretty cool I don't usually have that much resolve so I'm quite proud of myself. Especially as my other half is was a smoker. (He is attempting to give up)

This year I would like to give up take aways. We have been quite bad in the past and anytime we can't be bothered to cook we turn to Just Eat, which shamefully wasn't all that rare. So we have made a pact to resit and for each month we manage it we will treat ourselves to a fancy dinner out. 

I also need to focus on my fitness, start taking my half marathon training seriously and keep signing up to organised runs so I can stay focused. Hopefully combined with eating better this will have the desired results when it comes to slimming down.

I would like to set small yoga targets too like nailing a specific pose, working my way up to a headstand by the end of the year. I know that doesn't sound particularly spectacular but I am no where near at the moment so it would be quite an achievement for me.

Sewing is also on my list, it's something I've had an interest in for a couple of years but never really done anything about, so inspired by the Great British Sewing Bee I am going to give it a go this year, first project to be some pyjama bottoms for Adam. I'll let you know how I get on.

Do you make targets and fresh starts at the start of a new year?

Friday, 3 January 2014

Christmas Catch Up

I pretty much gave the computer a wide birth over Christmas, it wasn't intentional just got caught up in other things I guess. So here is a quick round up of what I got up to.
Christmas Pudding Dash, a 5 mile run around an estate in Battle. 5 miles is the furthest I've run to date so I was a bit nervous. It didn't help that there was constant rain, mud and winds but I did it. I was so proud of myself, i may have been slow and steady, but I finished and that's the main thing surely. My time was 1 hour and 1 min, and I got a Christmas pud, medal and soaked to the bone for my trouble, half marathon next...

I revamped an old cookbook stand that I bought at a boot sale for 50p about 5 years ago. 3 coats of enamel paint later, I'm really chuffed with how it's come out, can't believe I didn't do it sooner.

Freestyled some legwarmers, well I only did one in the end. I loved how the pattern panned out though. I may well do the other one soon, but I got distracted by Mr. Fox (more on him another time).

Finally managed to chalkboard paint my larder unit. Not as easy as you may think with a curious white cat trying to stick her nose into everything so it did take a few days, thankfully we are pleased with it, just need some chalk now!

Other than that my break was filled with food, films and friends. What more could you ask for?

Hope you had a great Christmas, even though it seems an age ago already.